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Topic type/User level
Tarantella Administration Guide
Tarantella Administration Guide
For new Tarantella Administrators
Introducing Tarantella
Introducing the three-tier architecture
Objects and the organizational hierarchy
Introducing Array Manager
Introducing Object Manager
Introducing Tarantella printing
Introducing the Tarantella Web Server
Introducing webtop and emulator session load balancing
Security and Tarantella
Understanding webtop and emulator sessions
Improving security between Tarantella servers and application servers
Improving security between client devices and Tarantella servers
Introducing application server load balancing
The Tarantella datastore and Tarantella Federated Naming
Configuring your own web server for use with Tarantella
Case studies
Creating and configuring a person object
Creating and publishing an application object to users
Setting up and configuring client drive mapping
Installing and using SSH with Tarantella
User types
Configuring proxy server settings on clients
Tarantella Base Component Release Notes
Configuring Microsoft Windows Terminal Services for use with Tarantella
Configuring printing for UNIX clients
Configuring printing if you use the Common UNIX Printing System™ (CUPS)
Configuring the Tarantella server to accept remote print requests
Printing from a Microsoft Windows (SCO Merge) application server
Printing from a Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 application server
Printing from a Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 application server
Printing from a Microsoft Windows NT 4 application server
Printing from a UNIX application server
Setting up a Tarantella Enhancement Module
The Apple Macintosh and Tarantella
The tarantella command
The tarantella help command
The tarantella objectmanager command
The tarantella restart command
The tarantella start command
The tarantella status command
The tarantella stop command
The tarantella uninstall command
Upgrading a customized Tarantella installation
Tarantella copyright and legal information
A session doesn't end when the user exits the application
An application exits immediately after starting
An application won't start
Troubleshooting CPU/memory-based application server load balancing
I can't find the solution to my problem
Frequently asked questions
How do I add new Tarantella Administrators?
How does Tarantella use applets?
What do I need to tell my users?
What operating system changes do I need to make?
What's new in this release of Tarantella?
Where can I find more information about Tarantella?
Which clients are supported?
How can users check whether Tarantella can access their proxy server configuration?
What are peer DNS names and external DNS names?
Which LDAP directory servers are supported?
Which proxy servers are supported?
What is ENS?
What is an array?
What is the Tarantella System Objects organization?
Do I need to license Windows Terminal Services?
How do I contact Support?
What's in the Tarantella installation directory?
Where is Tarantella installed?
How much CPU and memory does Tarantella require?
Where do I send my comments about Tarantella?
For day-to-day Tarantella administration
Using Tarantella with an LDAP directory server
Enabling the LDAP login authority
How Tarantella enforces licensing
Case studies
Using shadowing to troubleshoot a user's problem
Active Directory container object
Character application object
Document object
Domain component object
Group object
Host object
Licensing Tarantella
Managing Tarantella license keys
Organization object
Organizational unit object
Person object
Setting up and dismantling a Tarantella array
Windows application object
X application object
Application Launch properties (array-wide)
Array properties (array-wide)
CDM Protocol Engine properties (server-specific)
Character Protocol Engine properties (server-specific)
Emulator Sessions properties (array-wide)
Execution Protocol Engine properties (server-specific)
General properties (server-specific)
License properties (array-wide)
Load Balancing properties (array-wide)
Print Protocol Engine properties (server-specific)
Printing properties (array-wide)
Roles in Tarantella
Security properties (array-wide)
Security properties (server-specific)
Tarantella Login properties (array-wide)
The tarantella webserver command
The tarantella webserver restart command
The tarantella webserver start command
The tarantella webserver stop command
Tuning properties (server-specific)
X Protocol Engine properties (server-specific)
Available to run applications (--available)
Configuring application server load balancing
Load Balancing Algorithm (--loadbal)
The script
Using log filters for auditing
Using log filters to troubleshoot problems with the Tarantella server
Address (--address)
Allow delayed updates (--delayed)
Answerback Message (--answermsg)
Application Command (--app)
Application key mode (--appkeymode)
Application supports 3-button mouse only (--force3button)
Arguments For Command (--args)
Attribute Map (--attributemap)
Authentication (--auth)
Bandwidth Limit (--bandwidth)
Border Style (--border)
Client Drive Mapping (--cdm)
Client's maximum size (--maximize)
Code Page (--codepage)
Color (--rootcolor)
Color Map (--colormap)
Color depth (--depth)
Color quality (--quality)
Columns (--cols)
Command Compression (--compression)
Command Execution (--execution)
Connection Method (--method)
Connections (--conntype)
Cursor (--cursor)
Cursor Keys (--cursorkeys)
Description (--description)
Display Using (--displayusing)
Email Address (--email)
Emulation Type (--emulator)
Emulator Applet Page (--empage)
Environment Variables (--env)
Escape Sequences (--escape)
Euro Character (--euro)
Fixed font size (--fixedfont)
Font Family (--font)
Font Size (--fontsize)
Height (--height)
Hosts tab (--appserv)
Inherit parent's webtop content (--inherit)
Interlaced Images (--interlaced)
Keep launch connection open (--keepopen)
Keyboard Map (--keymap)
Keypad (--keypad)
LDAP Groups (--ldapgroups)
LDAP Search (--ldapsearch)
LDAP Users (--ldapusers)
Lines (--lines)
Links tab (--links)
Location (--location)
Lock keymap (--keymaplock)
Login Script (--login)
May log in to Tarantella (--enabled)
Members tab (--member)
Middle Mouse Timeout (--middlemouse)
Monitor Resolution (--dpi)
Name (--name) [domain component object]
Name (--name) [objects with "common name"]
Name (--name) [organization object]
Name (--name) [organizational unit object]
Open in new browser window (--newbrowser)
Preferred Locale (--preflocale)
Protocol Arguments (--protoargs)
Resumable (--resumable)
Resumable For (--resumetimeout)
Root Window (--roottype)
Scale to fit window (--scalable)
Scroll Style (--scrollstyle)
Session Ends When (--endswhen)
Share resources between similar sessions (--share)
Shared between users (guest) (--shared)
Status Line (--statusline)
Surname (--surname)
Terminal Type (--termtype)
The tarantella array command
The tarantella emulatorsession command
The tarantella license command
The tarantella object command
The tarantella print command
The tarantella query command
The tarantella role command
The tarantella start cdm command
The tarantella stop cdm command
The tarantella version command
The tarantella webtopsession command
Try running from client first (--trylocal)
URL (--url)
Use Windows cursor (--wincursor)
Use graphics acceleration (--accel)
Username (--user)
Webtop Icon (--icon)
Webtop Theme (--webtop)
Width (--width)
Window Close Action (--windowclose)
Window Manager (--winmgr)
Windows NT Domain (--ntdomain)
Windows Protocol (--winproto)
Wrap long lines (--autowrap)
Customizing the Native Client for UNIX
The tarantella array detach command
The tarantella array join command
The tarantella array list command
The tarantella array make_primary command
The tarantella emulatorsession end command
The tarantella emulatorsession info command
The tarantella emulatorsession list command
The tarantella emulatorsession shadow command
The tarantella emulatorsession suspend command
The tarantella license add command
The tarantella license info command
The tarantella license list command
The tarantella license query command
The tarantella license remove command
The tarantella license status command
The tarantella object add_host command
The tarantella object add_link command
The tarantella object add_member command
The tarantella object delete command
The tarantella object edit command
The tarantella object list_attributes command
The tarantella object list_contents command
The tarantella object new_charapp command
The tarantella object new_container command
The tarantella object new_dc command
The tarantella object new_doc command
The tarantella object new_group command
The tarantella object new_host command
The tarantella object new_org command
The tarantella object new_orgunit command
The tarantella object new_person command
The tarantella object new_windowsapp command
The tarantella object new_xapp command
The tarantella object remove_host command
The tarantella object remove_link command
The tarantella object remove_member command
The tarantella object rename command
The tarantella object script command
The tarantella print cancel command
The tarantella print list command
The tarantella print move command
The tarantella print pause command
The tarantella print resume command
The tarantella print start command
The tarantella print status command
The tarantella print stop command
The tarantella query audit command
The tarantella query billing command
The tarantella query errlog command
The tarantella query uptime command
The tarantella role add_link command
The tarantella role add_member command
The tarantella role list command
The tarantella role list_links command
The tarantella role list_members command
The tarantella role remove_link command
The tarantella role remove_member command
The tarantella tscal command
The tarantella tscal free command
The tarantella tscal list command
The tarantella tscal return command
The tarantella webtopsession list command
The tarantella webtopsession logout command
An application's animation appears "jumpy"
Applications disappear after about two minutes
Users can't copy and paste text or graphics
Users can't print from applications displayed through Tarantella
Using Windows Terminal Services, users are prompted for usernames and passwords too often
An "Ambiguous username" dialog is displayed when a user tries to log in
LDAP users can't log in to Tarantella
Users are having problems accessing client drives
Users complain of poor performance with the Windows desktop
A Kiosk application isn't appearing full-screen
An application requires a richer set of cursors
Troubleshooting printer preferences and settings
Users have problems displaying high color X applications
Running Windows applications on client devices
Users see window clipping with Client Window Management applications
With Tarantella PDF printing, fonts don't print as expected
Frequently asked questions
How do I enable the NT login authority?
What printers are supported by Tarantella?
What is a login profile?
What is a role object?
What is the Tarantella Security Pack?
Why do UNIX clients have a printer called _Default created in their Windows 2000/2003 application session?
Can I use Tarantella to access VMS applications?
How do I run a Common Desktop Environment (CDE) session?
Can I access a web application through Tarantella?
Can I change the name of the printer in the Windows 2000/2003 application session?
For in-depth Tarantella administration
Introducing SecurID authentication
Introducing web server authentication
Defining webtops for LDAP users using LDAP webtop searches
Defining webtops for LDAP users using login profiles
Configuring Tarantella PDF printing
Using shadowing in the classroom
Case studies
Populating the Tarantella organizational hierarchy using a batch script
Remapping or hiding Windows 2000/2003 application server drives
Using Tarantella with firewalls
Backing up and restoring a Tarantella installation
Login authorities
Security considerations of using web server authentication
Using Tarantella with proxy servers
Denying users access to Tarantella after failed login attempts
Editing application server load balancing properties
Tuning application server load balancing
Controlling the Java™ Plug-In version used by Tarantella
Tarantella and Java™ archives
Tarantella and SSH
The tarantella archive command
The tarantella arraymanager command
The tarantella config command
The tarantella passcache command
The tarantella setup command
Native Client for UNIX user preferences
Running the Tarantella Native Client from the command line
The tarantella config edit command
The tarantella config list command
The tarantella passcache delete command
The tarantella passcache edit command
The tarantella passcache list command
The tarantella passcache new command
Users experience problems with web server authentication
Users see font problems
When X authorization is enabled, applications fail to start
All Tarantella Administrators have been removed and no-one can use the administration tools
All login authorities are disabled and no-one can access Tarantella
Every server in the array has been disabled and no-one can access Tarantella
Tarantella uses too much of my network's bandwidth
Frequently asked questions
How do I enable SecurID authentication?
How do I enable web server authentication?
How do I tell what connection type a user gets?
If the array changes, do I have to re-configure printing?
What happens when a user's password expires?
Can I deny an LDAP user access to Tarantella?
Can I force users to print only to their default client printer?
Can I give users different webtops without "mirroring" my LDAP organization in ENS?
Can I prevent users from launching applications with a different username and password?
Can I set a time limit for print jobs?
Can I use client certificates with web server authentication?
Can I use other web authentication schemes with Tarantella web server authentication?
Do I have to use distributed printing?
How can I make additional Native Clients available?
How do I use my own X fonts?
What X fonts are installed?
What ports does Tarantella use?
Can I use multiple monitors with Tarantella?
For Tarantella customizers
Case studies
Launching applications from JavaScript
The ttawebtop.cgi CGI program
Client drive mapping (CDM) applet
Client drive mapping (CDM) applet parameters
Framework applet
Framework applet parameters
Increasing launch timeouts
Login applet
Login applet parameters
Login script Tcl commands
Login script variables
Login scripts supplied with Tarantella
Print applet
Print applet parameters
Terminal emulator applet
Terminal emulator applet parameters
Terminal emulator attribute maps
Terminal emulator color maps
Terminal emulator keyboard maps
The tarantella Tcl command
Webtop script applet
Webtop script applet parameters
Webtop tray applet
Webtop tray applet parameters
X emulator applet
X emulator applet parameters
Applet parameter data types
Configuring Tarantella print job conversion
Logging in with the Tarantella applets
addValue (framework applet)
areObjectsInitialized (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
cancelCurrentJob (print applet)
closeHierarchyLevel (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
countJobs (print applet)
getActive (print applet)
getApplicationType (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getCurrentIteratorElement (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getEmulatorState (X emulator applet)
getEmulatorState (terminal emulator applet)
getEnabled (print applet)
getIteratorForAllOpenHierarchyLevels (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getIteratorForHierarchyLevel (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getIteratorHasMoreElements (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getLaunchWaitTimeOut (webtop script and webtop script applets)
getNextIteratorElement (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getNumberOfObjects (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getNumberOfObjectsInGroup (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getObjectClass (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getObjectDisplayName (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getObjectDisplayNameByName (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getObjectFullName (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getObjectImageName (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getObjectImageNameByName (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getObjectPlacement (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getParentGroupName (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getPrintState (print applet)
getPrinterName (print applet)
getPrinterPort (print applet)
getPrinterType (print applet)
getProperty (X emulator applet)
getText (terminal emulator applet)
getTotalNumberOfObjects (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
getUnixTempDir (print applet)
getUserName (framework applet)
getValue (framework applet)
getWebtopFramesetURL (framework applet)
getWebtopURL (framework applet)
getWindowsTempDir (print applet)
isApplication (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
isDocument (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
isGroup (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
isHierarchyEnabled (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
isLoggedIn (framework applet)
isOpenGroup (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
isRunning (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
killIterator (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
launchByObjectName (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
launchByObjectNumber (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
login method
logout method
openGroup (webtop tray applet)
openHierarchyLevel (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
openParentGroup (webtop tray applet)
receivedEvent (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
registerProperty (X emulator applet)
removeValue (framework applet)
resetNamePassword (login applet)
scriptStart method
sendKey (terminal emulator applet)
setActive (print applet)
setEnabled (print applet)
setLaunchWaitTimeOut (webtop script and webtop tray applets)
setPausedState (print applet)
setPrinterName (print applet)
setPrinterPort (print applet)
setPrinterType (print applet)
setProperty (X emulator applet)
setText (terminal emulator applet)
setUnixTempDir (print applet)
setWindowsTempDir (print applet)
suspendApplication (X emulator applet)
suspendApplication (terminal emulator applet)
unregisterProperty (X emulator applet)
A login script returns an error
Frequently asked questions
What are login scripts?
Copyright © 1997-2003 Tarantella, Inc. All Rights Reserved.