tarantella array join | detach | make_primary | list
This command allows Tarantella Administrators to set up and dismantle arrays of Tarantella servers.
The command may be run on any array member.
Subcommand | Description |
Adds a server to an array. |
Removes secondary servers from an array. |
Makes a secondary server the primary server for the array that it's currently a member of. |
Lists the members of the array, identifying the primary server. |
Note All commands allow the --help
option: you can use
tarantella array command --help
to get help on a
specific command.
tarantella array join \ --primary newyork.indigo-insurance.com \ --secondary boston.indigo-insurance.com
Adds the server boston to the array with primary server newyork.
tarantella array make_primary \ --secondary boston.indigo-insurance.com
Makes the secondary server boston the primary server in the array. The previous primary server becomes a secondary server.