The tarantella object add_link command


tarantella object add_link { --name obj...
                             --link lobj...
                           } | --file file


Adds links to webtops.

Argument Description
--name obj... Specifies the TFN names of objects you want to add webtop links for.
--link lobj... Specifies the TFN names of objects you want to add to the webtop.
--file file Specifies a file containing a batch of commands to add links to webtops.

Note Make sure you quote any object names containing spaces, for example ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance".


tarantella object add_link \
  --name ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/ou=Sales/cn=Violet Carson" \
  --link ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/cn=Write-o-Win"

Adds the Write-o-Win application to Violet Carson's webtop.

tarantella object add_link \
  --name ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/ou=Sales" \
         ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/ou=Marketing" \
  --link ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/cn=Applications"

Adds the group Applications to the webtops of the organizational units Sales and Marketing. Everyone who inherits webtop content from one of these OUs (for example, they belong to that OU and Inherit Parent's Webtop Content is checked for their person object) sees all the applications in the group on their webtop.

Related topics
  • The tarantella object command
  • The tarantella object remove_link command
  • The tarantella object list_attributes command
  • Populating the Tarantella organizational hierarchy using a batch script
  • The Tarantella datastore and Tarantella Federated Naming