Client drive mapping (CDM) applet parameters

The CDM applet has the following parameters:

AsadPortIntegerNo default

The TCP port the CDM applet uses to communicate with the Tarantella server.

Use the placeholder %%ASADPORT%% to let Tarantella supply the correct value for this parameter. You should only enter a particular value for this parameter (rather than the placeholder) if you're sure you know what you're doing.

This parameter has no default value. Communication with the Tarantella server is only possible if you supply a valid TCP port number (or use %%ASADPORT%%).


Forces the CDM applet to log verbose debug output to the Java Console.

Only use this parameter if fewer client drives then expected display and this is not due to the settings in Object Manager. The debug output shows why drives have not been found and stored in the webtop session object.

Note You must also enable the Java Console in the web browser to see the output.

DownloadStringNo defaultControls whether the TTAWinCDM.exe file is downloaded to the client or not. This parameter is only used for Netscape Browsers.

The value of this parameter is either On or Off.

The parameter must be On to give Netscape users access to full CDM functionality.

HostBackgroundColorColor definitionFFFFFF (White)

The background color.


A bitmask in the range 0 to 15 which controls the appearance of the Tarantella log in dialog.

The bits are as follows:

  • Bit 1 - controls whether or not the log in dialog box displays. This is where the user enters their username and password.
  • Bit 2 - controls whether or not the ambiguous/aged password dialog box displays.
  • Bit 3 - controls whether or not the error dialog box displays.
  • Bit 4 - controls whether or not the log in dialog displays before credentials are submitted. This forces the user to click OK to log in. The values for the username and password are taken from the TarantellaUsername and TarantellaPassword parameters.

If the value of this parameter is:

  • 0 - no dialog boxes display.
  • 15 - all dialog boxes display.

See Logging in with the Tarantella applets for details of when and how you use this parameter.


The frame which the applet using this parameter runs in.

This parameter is used by the applet that determines the proxy configuration and should not be changed unless you know what you are doing.


This parameter is used to determine which proxy server, if any, should be used. If this parameter is omitted, Tarantella will ignore any proxy server configuration and attempt to connect directly to the Tarantella server.

Use the placeholder %%PROXY%% to let Tarantella supply the correct value for this parameter.


This parameter is used with the scriptStart method to release/wake-up the applet.

If the parameter is missing or incorrect, the default of false is used.


The password the applet uses to log in to a Tarantella server.

If the value of the TarantellaUsername parameter is an empty string (""), the applet tries to log the user in anonymously (without a password).

If you are concerned about security, you may not want to use this parameter. Users can see the password you supply (by viewing the page source) and they may be authenticated to Tarantella as a different user.

See Logging in with the Tarantella applets for details of when and how you use this parameter.

TarantellaUsernameStringNo default

The username the applet uses to log in to a Tarantella server.

If this parameter is used, the applet tries to log the user in to Tarantella using the values for the TarantellaUsername and TarantellaPassword parameters. If the value of this parameter is an empty string (""), the applet tries to log the user in anonymously (without a password).

See Logging in with the Tarantella applets for details of when and how you use this parameter.

Related topics
  • Client drive mapping (CDM) applet
  • Applet parameter data types