Can I use Tarantella to access VMS applications?

Yes. You can use Tarantella to access X or character applications on a VMS application server.

To be able to run VMS applications, you must change the Login Script used by the X or character application object to either vms.exp or vmsrexec.exp. The script you use depends on the Connection Method for the application.

By default, the vms.exp or vmsrexec.exp login scripts set the transport variable to TCPIP, which is correct for Digital TCP/IP stacks (including UCX). If you need to change this variable, you can edit the scripts in the install_dir/var/serverresources/expect directory.

To use VMS X applications, you must also disable X security on the Security properties panel in Array Manager or by running:

tarantella config edit --security-xsecurity 0
This is because VMS does not support X security.
Related topics
  • Character application object
  • X application object
  • Login scripts supplied with Tarantella