Managing Tarantella license keys

While you are evaluating Tarantella, the number of days remaining in the evaluation period is shown whenever a user logs in to Tarantella using a web browser.

When the evaluation period has expired you must install an Activation license key to be able to continue using Tarantella.

You add, remove and view Tarantella license keys:

The Tarantella log files record all license usage over time, including unlicensed usage. Whenever Tarantella Administrators log in to Tarantella using a web browser, they see a page that shows which license limits have been reached or infringed.

You can also check license usage by using the tarantella license query command. With this command, you can display information on both current and past license usage across the array.

Related topics
  • Licensing Tarantella
  • How Tarantella enforces licensing
  • The tarantella license command
  • License properties (array-wide)