tarantella emulatorsession info [ --sessid sessid... ] [ --peid peid... ] [--format text|xml|quiet]
Displays detailed information about emulator sessions.
Option | Description |
--sessid sessid... |
Displays detailed information on emulator sessions matching the
session IDs listed. Use tarantella emulatorsession list to find out session
--peid peid... |
Displays detailed information on emulator sessions matching the
Protocol Engine process IDs listed. Valid peids:
--format text | xml | quiet |
Specifies the output format (default: text). With --format
quiet , no messages are displayed.
The exit code indicates the number of sessids and peids named that do not exist.
tarantella emulatorsession info --peid 3456 4567
Displays detailed information on emulator sessions matching the Protocol Engine process IDs "3456" and "4567" on the host on which the command is run.