Can I give users different webtops without "mirroring" my LDAP organization in ENS?

Yes, if you are using Tarantella with an LDAP directory server, you can give your users different webtops without "mirroring" your LDAP organization in ENS.

The default LDAP user object is the o=Tarantella System Objects/cn=LDAP Profile object. This profile object is used to define the webtop content of any user who has been authenticated using either:

If you use this profile object to give all your users the same "basic" webtop, you can then use the LDAP webtop searches to assign documents and applications to users based on information held in your LDAP database. This means you can give LDAP users different webtop content without creating any objects in ENS.

Note You can only use the LDAP webtop searches if you have installed a Directory Services Integration license key. Currently, the searches are only supported on Sun™ ONE (formerly Netscape or iPlanet) version 4.1+ directory servers.

If you do not have a Directory Services Integration license or Tarantella does not support LDAP webtop searches on your LDAP directory server, you still do not have to mirror your entire LDAP organization in ENS. You only have to mirror as much of the organization as you need to produce the desired webtops. How you do this is described in Defining webtops for LDAP users using login profiles.

Related topics
  • Using Tarantella with an LDAP directory server
  • Which LDAP directory servers are supported?
  • Enabling the LDAP login authority
  • Defining webtops for LDAP users using login profiles
  • Defining webtops for LDAP users using LDAP webtop searches
  • LDAP users can't log in to Tarantella
  • Can I deny an LDAP user access to Tarantella?