The tarantella command


tarantella option [ option-specific-arguments ]


You control Tarantella from the command line using the install_dir/bin/tarantella command.

Don't try to control the Tarantella server by running binaries directly, or by using kill. Using the tarantella command is the only supported way of controlling the Tarantella server.

The options let you control the Tarantella server in different ways, or produce information about the Tarantella server. The tarantella command can be used in your own shell scripts to help automate your administration of Tarantella.

OptionDescriptionCan be run by...
archiveArchives the Tarantella server's log files.Root
arrayCreates and manages arrays of Tarantella servers.Root
arraymanagerStarts Array Manager.Tarantella Administrators
configEdits array-wide and server-specific configuration.Root
emulatorsessionLists and controls emulator sessions.Root
licenseAdds, lists and removes Tarantella license keys.Root
netletUsed to configure ports on the Tarantella server for use with the Sun™ ONE Netlet.Root
objectManipulates objects in the organizational hierarchy.Root
objectmanagerStarts Object Manager.Tarantella Administrators
passcacheManipulates the password cache.Root
portal set_shared_secretControls Tarantella integration with a Portal Server.Root
printControls Tarantella printing services.Root
queryExamines the Tarantella server's log files.Root
restartRestarts Tarantella services.Root
roleGive people specific roles, and gives them webtop links specific to that role.Root
securityControls security services, manages certificates.Root
setupChanges Setup options, restores original objects.Root
startStarts Tarantella services.Root
statusShows the current status of Tarantella array members.Root
stopStops Tarantella services.Root
tscalManages Microsoft Windows Terminal Services Client Access Licenses (CALs) for non-Windows clients.Root
uninstallUninstalls Tarantella.Root
versionDisplays versions of installed Tarantella packages.Any user
webserverControls the Tarantella Web Server.Root
webtopsessionLists and controls webtop sessions.Root

Note All commands allow the --help option: you can use tarantella command --help to get help on a specific command.


tarantella restart --quiet

Stops and then restarts the Tarantella server, without displaying any messages.

tarantella role add_link --role global \
  --link ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/cn=Write-o-Win"

Adds a link for the Write-o-Win application to the webtops of members of the Global Administrators role.

Related topics
  • Introducing Tarantella
  • Roles in Tarantella