The tarantella query billing command


tarantella query billing { --full | --sessions | --summary }
                         --start date
                         --days days
                         --end date
                         [ --servers arrayhost... ]


Outputs billing information for the array, or for a subset of the array, over a time period. Information is displayed on screen in Comma Separated Values format.

The billing files are written at midnight local time each day.

You must run this command on the primary server in the array.

Note You must enable billing services and restart all array members before any data is logged.

Option Description
--full Displays detailed information for all webtop sessions and emulator sessions.
--sessions Displays information for all emulator sessions.
--summary Displays a short summary of billing information, and an emulator session summary.
--start date Specifies the start of the billing period. The format is YYYY/MM/DD, for example "2000/05/01".
--days days Specifies the number of days from date for which to display billing information.
--end date Specifies the end of the billing period. The format is YYYY/MM/DD, for example "2000/05/02".
The end date is exclusive. This means, for example, that --start 2001/01/19 --end 2001/01/23 is the same as --start 2001/01/19 --days 4 and both will query data covering the 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd.
--servers arrayhost... Only reports billing information from the named array members (use peer DNS names). If you omit --servers, billing information across the array is reported.


tarantella query billing \
  --full \
  --start "2000/05/01" \
  --days 30

Displays billing information for the entire array, for the 30 days from May 1, 2000.

tarantella query billing \
  --summary \
  --start "2000/01/01" \
  --days 30 \
  --servers \

Displays a short summary of billing information for the servers prague and paris, for the 30 days from January 1 2000.

tarantella query billing \
  --sessions \
  --start "2000/01/19" \
  --end "2000/01/23" \
  > sessions.csv

Displays billing information for all emulator sessions for the entire array for the period January 19 2001 to January 22 2001 and outputs the results to a file called Sessions.csv.

Related topics
  • The tarantella query uptime command
  • The tarantella query errlog command
  • The Tarantella datastore and Tarantella Federated Naming