The tarantella object new_orgunit command


tarantella object new_orgunit {
   --name obj
 [ --description text ]
 [ --webtop theme_name ]
 [ --inherit true|false ]
 [ --conntype type_spec... ]
 [ --cdm drive_spec... ]
 [ --links obj... ]
 } | --file file


Creates one or more organizational unit (OU) objects.

To batch-create multiple objects, use the --file option. Use the other options to create a single object.


tarantella object new_orgunit \
  --name ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/ou=IT" \
  --inherit true \
  --conntype '*:*:SSL'

Creates a new OU object with name IT, belonging to the organization object Indigo Insurance (which must already exist). This OU inherits webtop content from its parent (the organization object). Connections for all users in the OU will be secure (SSL-based) unless their person objects are configured to give a different type of connection.

tarantella object new_orgunit --file - <<EOF
  --name ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/ou=IT"
  --name ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/ou=Finance"
  --name ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/ou=Finance/ou=Administration"

Creates three OU objects using a batch script defined as a "here-document". The OU Administration belongs to the OU Finance, just created. You could alternatively store the batch script in a file, and reference it using --file filename.

Related topics
  • Organizational unit object
  • Populating the Tarantella organizational hierarchy using a batch script