tarantella emulatorsession list | info | shadow | suspend | end
This command allows Tarantella Administrators to list and manipulate emulator sessions.
Subcommand | Description |
list |
Lists emulator sessions. |
info |
Displays detailed information about emulator sessions. |
shadow |
Shadows an emulator session. |
suspend |
Suspends emulator sessions. |
end |
Ends emulator sessions. |
Note All commands allow the --help
option: you can use
tarantella emulatorsession subcommand --help
get help on a specific command.
tarantella emulatorsession list \ --person ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/cn=Emma Rald"
Lists Emma Rald's emulator sessions.
tarantella emulatorsession shadow \ "paris.indigo-insurance.com:965127448604:...%2f_ens%2fo=Indigo Insurance%2fcn=Emma Rald"
Shadows the emulator session with the specified session ID.