The tarantella webtopsession logout command


tarantella webtopsession logout --person pobj...
                               [--format text|quiet]


Ends the webtop session for each person specified. This has the effect of logging them out of their webtop.

Note The Sessions tab in Object Manager lists the webtop sessions related to person objects, profile objects and host objects and allows you to log users out of Tarantella.

Option Description
--person pobj... Ends the webtop session of the specified person. Use a TFN name for pobj.
--format text | quiet Specifies the output format (default: text). With --format quiet, no messages are displayed and the exit code indicates the number of sessions logged out.

Guest users and anonymous users have unique TFN names, even though they may share the same login profile. To name a guest or anonymous user, use the unique name and not the name of the profile object. For example, .../_dns/

Note Make sure you quote any object names containing spaces, for example ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance".


tarantella webtopsession logout \
  --person ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/ou=Marketing/cn=Emma Rald"

Logs out Emma Rald from her webtop.

tarantella webtopsession logout \
  --person .../_dns/

Ends an anonymous user's webtop session.

Related topics
  • The tarantella webtopsession list command
  • Understanding webtop and emulator sessions
  • The Tarantella datastore and Tarantella Federated Naming
  • What is a login profile?