The tarantella emulatorsession end command


tarantella emulatorsession end sessid...
                               [--format text|quiet]


Ends emulator sessions. The applications will exit immediately, which may result in loss of data for users.

Option Description
sessid... Specifies the session IDs of the emulator sessions to end. Use tarantella emulatorsession list to find out session IDs.
--format text | quiet Specifies the output format (default: text). With --format quiet, no messages are displayed.

The exit code of the command is 0 if all sessions were successfully ended, or 1 if some sessids didn't exist.


tarantella emulatorsession end \
  " Insurance%2fcn=Emma Rald"

Ends the specified emulator session.

Related topics
  • Understanding webtop and emulator sessions
  • The tarantella emulatorsession list command