tarantella emulatorsession end sessid... [--format text|quiet]
Ends emulator sessions. The applications will exit immediately, which may result in loss of data for users.
Option | Description |
sessid... |
Specifies the session IDs of the emulator sessions to end. Use
tarantella emulatorsession
list to find out
session IDs.
--format text | quiet |
Specifies the output format (default: text). With --format
quiet , no messages are displayed.
The exit code of the command is 0 if all sessions were successfully ended, or 1 if some sessids didn't exist.
tarantella emulatorsession end \ "paris.indigo-insurance.com:965127448604:...%2f_ens%2fo=Indigo Insurance%2fcn=Emma Rald"
Ends the specified emulator session.