A session doesn't end when the user exits the application

Is the Session Ends When attribute set correctly?

Using Object Manager, or from the command line, choose the appropriate Session Ends When setting for the application object.

If the Session Ends When attribute text box is disabled, the session ends when there are no visible windows.

Are processes still running which cause the session not to exit?

When running an application on a Windows 2000/2003 Terminal Server, closing the application does not always result in the session closing. This is because the Client Drive Mapping application (ttatdm.exe) is still running.

The solution is to configure the client drive mapping application to ignore certain system processes so that it closes. To do this, edit the System processes value for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Tarantella\Enhancement Module for Windows key in the registry on the application server. This value is a string which is a comma separated list of exe binaries which ttatdm.exe should ignore. You must amend this value by listing the processes that were running when the session failed to close. To do this, open Task Manager (while you have a session that has failed to close) and click the Processes tab. Make a list of all the exe processes that are running. Do not include the following processes:

If you are running a single application session, you may find that the session still does not exit even after editing the System processes registry setting. To force the session to exit, amend the Logoff application sessions setting for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Tarantella\Enhancement Module for Windows key and change the DWORD value to 1.

Related topics
  • Session Ends When (--endswhen)
  • Introducing Object Manager