The tarantella object new_group command


tarantella object new_group {
   --name obj
 [ --description text ]
 [ --member obj... ]
 [ --ldapusers user_dn... ]
 [ --ldapgroup group_dn... ]
 [ --ldapsearch search_string... ]
 } | --file file


Creates one or more group objects.

To batch-create multiple objects, use the --file option. Use the other options to create a single object.


tarantella object new_group \
  --name ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/cn=WinHosts" \
  --member ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/ou=Sales/cn=rome" \
           ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/cn=brussels" \
           ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/ou=Marketing/cn=berlin"

Creates a new group object with common name WinHosts, belonging to the organization object Indigo Insurance (which must already exist). The group's members are the three host objects for the application servers rome, brussels and berlin.

tarantella object new_group --file - <<EOF
  --name ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/cn=WinHosts"
  --name ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/cn=UNIXHosts"
  --name ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/cn=Applications"

Creates three group objects using a batch script defined as a "here-document". The groups have no members (use tarantella object add_member to add members later from the command line). You could alternatively store the batch script in a file, and reference it using --file filename.

Related topics
  • Group object
  • The tarantella object add_member command
  • The tarantella object remove_member command
  • Populating the Tarantella organizational hierarchy using a batch script