The tarantella security command


tarantella security certinfo | certrequest | certuse |
                    customca | decryptkey | start | stop


Controls Tarantella security services and manages X.509 certificates.

Option Description
certinfo Displays information about an X.509 certificate or Certificate Signing Request (CSR), and optionally checks whether a specified private key matches the public key contained in a particular certificate.
certrequest Creates a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) (and a corresponding key pair) which you use to obtain an X.509 certificate for use with the Tarantella Security Pack.
certuse Installs an X.509 certificate (or specifies the location of an installed certificate) for use with the Tarantella Security Pack.
customca Installs a root certificate for a custom Certificate Authority for use with the Tarantella Security Pack.
decryptkey Decrypts an encrypted private key so that you can use it with Tarantella.
start Enables secure (SSL) connections. Users who require secure connections are given them.
stop Disables secure (SSL) connections. Users configured for secure connections are given standard connections instead.

Note All commands allow the --help option: you can use tarantella security subcommand --help to get help on a specific command.


tarantella security certinfo \
  --csrfile /tmp/boston.csr

Displays information about the CSR in /tmp/boston.csr.

tarantella security decryptkey \
  --enckey /opt/keys/key1 \
  --deckey /opt/keys/key2 \
  --format DER

Decrypts the key /opt/keys/key1 (which is stored in DER format), placing the decrypted key in /opt/keys/key2.

Related topics
  • Security and Tarantella
  • Improving security between client devices and Tarantella servers