The tarantella security certrequest command


tarantella security certrequest --country country
                                --state state
                                --orgname org
                               [ --ouname ou ] 
                               [ --email email ] 
                               [ --locality locality ] 
                               [ --keylength length ]


Generates a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), and a public and private key pair.

You should send the generated CSR to a supported Certificate Authority (CA) to obtain a certificate for use with the Tarantella Security Pack.

Important notes:

You can use the tarantella security certinfo command to display information about certificates and CSRs.

If you don't specify --ouname, --email or --locality Tarantella simply omits that information from the CSR -- there are no default values.

The options that can be used are as follows:

Argument Description
--country country Specifies the country in which your organization is located. Use ISO 3166 country codes here. For example, use US for the United States or DE for Germany.
--state state Specifies the state or province in which your organization is located. Don't use abbreviations here (for example, use Massachusetts rather than Mass. or MA).
--orgname org Specifies the official, legal name of your organization.
[ --ouname ou ] Specifies the name of a subdivision (organizational unit) within your organization, if required.

If you don't need to specify an OU, you can use this setting to specify a less formal organization name, if you want.

[ --email email ] Specifies your business email address. This address will be used for correspondence between you and the Certificate Authority you send the CSR to.
[ --locality locality ] Specifies the city or principality where your organization is located, if needed.
[ --keylength length ] Specifies the length of the key pair. The default is 1024. We recommend you use 512-bit or 1024-bit keys.

Note Make sure you quote any value containing spaces, for example "Indigo Insurance".


tarantella security certrequest \
  --country US \
  --state MA \
  --orgname "Indigo Insurance" \
  --email "[email protected]"

Generates a CSR for Indigo Insurance, located in Massachusetts, with contact Bill Orange.

Related topics
  • What are X.509 certificates and why do I need one?
  • What certificates does the Tarantella Security Pack support?
  • Obtaining and installing an X.509 certificate