The tarantella security stop command


tarantella security stop [ --array | --server serv... ]
                         [ --keep ]


Disables secure (SSL-based) connections for all or part of an array. Users configured to require secure connections are given standard connections instead, if available.

If you omit both arguments, secure connections are disabled for the host on which the command is run.

Argument Description
--array Disables secure connections on all servers in the array.
--server serv... Disables secure connections for each server named. Each serv is the peer DNS name of a Tarantella server in the array.
--keep Specifies that any existing secure connections are preserved. If omitted, all secure connections are closed.


tarantella security stop --array --keep

Disables security across the array, but preserves any existing secure connections.

Related topics
  • Security and Tarantella
  • The tarantella security start command
  • Using Tarantella with the HTTPS port through a firewall