Giving secure connections to all users in a department


You want to give secure connections to the members of one department in your organization.


In Array Manager, ensure that processing of Connections settings is enabled, by checking the appropriate box on the Security panel. Then use Object Manager to configure the organizational unit object to which the users belong, so that all users in that OU receive a secure connection.

Case study

The Indigo Insurance Finance department requires secure connections for all its users, who may log in to Tarantella from anywhere.


  1. In Array Manager, display Security properties. For Connection Types, make sure that Apply When Users Log In is checked. Click Apply.
  2. In Object Manager, display properties for the organizational unit object, in this case o=Indigo Insurance/ou=Finance.
  3. On the Attributes tab, choose Connections from the list.
  4. Click New, and fill in the details for the connection:
  5. Use the arrow buttons to put your new connection type specification first in the list. This means that all users without more specific connection types (configured on their own person objects) will match your new connection type specification, and receive a secure connection.
  6. Click Apply.

Next steps

Related topics
  • Improving security between client devices and Tarantella servers
  • Getting started with the Tarantella Security Pack
  • Giving secure connections across the Internet
  • Giving secure connections to a Tarantella server